Wednesday, August 10, 2011

My private life, not so privately

So here I am today 18 1/2 weeks pregnant with baby #3...I find out what we are having this coming Tuesday and I really can't wait. I want to make her a zillion diapers but Ill stick to making some for my etsy shop at the moment. Ive been cleaning and organizing everything and actually keeping my house spotless despite 2 1/2 year old twin boys and my fiance (a big messy boy). I have half of my old projects done with and can't wait to be done with my half done projects to start fresh new ones and actually finish them. Unfortunately this is making my etsy shop over run with mediums! So I am running a sale of 20% off but so far no one has bought any.

Life is not bad right now, I can sew with my sewing room door open without the boys coming in and destroying the room. They are so big now, completely potty learned, no diapers even at night time, they wake up. We have rare accidents but that is expected from 2 year olds but they are far in between (they still need to master taking off underwear, they are use to just pants/shorts). Lately they want "daddy's bed" which I love sleeping with them but am worried about when the baby comes which is still far away so I'm not too worried yet.

Me and two pix of Jonah aka 'Noni'

This is Jaxon aka 'Bone boy or boo boy'  and a rare and most recent picture of them together.

Ive been feeling the baby move and can't wait to get the boys to feel it too, Josh has already. Its becomes much more real when you feel movement of life inside of you. Ive been pretty emotional lately I guess. My feelings get hurt easily and that is not like me. Usually I'm a strong outgoing person and just feel the opposite lately and vulnerable but still strong...does that make sense?! lol I want to stay home in pjs all day but want to do my make-up and go out and have fun in the beautiful Im feeling really wishy washy lately... I don't like it at all!

I thought maybe blogging about my life would help get everything out but I'm actually a really private person. If I let you in will you be kind, encouraging and laugh and cry with me? I hope so...

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