Sunday, August 28, 2011

Feeling Artsy..

I've been re-branding my GreenBottoms shop a little bit. Im testing my new designs right now. I also looked critically at my shop, my pictures suck. I am my own worst critic but yea they don't really make my products pop like they should. So I decided to invest myself into making a light box to take pictures of my products in.
I also decided to get a little creative and draw the green vines that are on my business card and my banner on the background...I may have gotten too creative, I think it takes away from my product :/ Maybe if I can find a way to lighten it significantly and make it super ghost like it will work but for now I am going to have to stick with a plain white board background. Hopefully I can find a transparent paper that is 20"wide and 30" tall!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Knocked Up and Nursing Giveaway!

Knocked Up and Nursing is having a Blogtastic Extravaganze 2.0 she reviews and does giveaways of some pretty amazing stuff so be sure to follow her. She also reviewed one of my pocket diapers and is hosting a giveaway of a custom diaper by yours truly. Be sure to enter in as many ways as possible!

Monday, August 15, 2011

The New and Upcoming!

I'm so happy to be feeling better. I re-opened my Etsy shop last week. I got some projects done that were sitting around from when the boys were 14 months old before the first accident. Now they are completely potty learned so I have no need for all the mediums I had cut out waiting to be sewn for them. So I am trying to get old projects finished up so I can start on all my new cool ideas.

Last you saw of me was probably testing out my one size covers. I made the front with minky so that no wicking would happen onto the cotton prints I use since the snap down rise would cause wicking even with the leg elastic rolling out. On my sized diapers the rolled out minky prevents wicking from happening, so I was estastic of the minky on the front idea. Now I see just about every diaper maker doing this. So old news to make diapers like that now.

I'm going to be doing away with sized diapers. Everyone loves one size. So I thought of doing newborns and one size. But that's what everyone else does! I also hate snapping because of my injuries! I hate aplix diapers though so all closures will be snaps regardless of how much I despite putting them in. So here is the new products I am going to be offering and I need testers of course!

  • These will fit newborn to medium-ish. I'm aiming for like 5lbs to 25lbs weight range.
  • They will be serged all around. The rise adjustment will be done with elastic not snaps down the front.
  • There will be a opening in the waist part that velcros shut to have assess to the adjustable elastic.
  • The waist will also be adjustable with the elastic so no cross over snaps will be needed.
  • The insert will snap in and be one long one that can be folded long wise to be whatever length you need and another 'booster' insert (that snaps in) that can also be used as the newborn insert alone. Made with OBF and zorb
All - In - Twos
  • These will be one sized fitting 10-40lbs easily
  • These will have the minky front to prevent wicking
  • Turned and top stitched
  • Waist and leg elastic will be adjustable with the same hidden velcro opening as the fitteds
  • The insert will be the same idea as the fitteds with one long one and one 'booster'/newborn one
  • These will be one size fitting from 10-40lbs easily
  • The front will be minky to prevent wicking
  • You will have the option for wipable PUL inner or minky inner
  • Turned and top stitched
  • Waist and leg elastic will be adjustable with the same hidden velcro open
  • You will have the option to make these AI2s by buying a insert listing in my shop
  • These will be one size fitting from 10-40lbs easily
  • The front will be minky to prevent wicking
  • The back will open so there is no need for the hidden velcro opening to adjust the elastics
  • Turned and top stitched
  • Waist and leg elastic will be adjustable so no cross over snaps or snap down rise
  • Pockets will from now on come with microfiber terry towels for inserts or you can upgrade your insert by buying a insert listing
I will be testing for the Fitteds, All-In-Twos and Pockets! You can sign up for the tester spots on my facebook.

I am going to do boy fitted testers first. Sign up here!

The After Math..

In my last post I talked about what happened with my car accidents. In this post Im going to talk about all the feelings that occurred from those accidents.

You really don't think about how car accidents affect people unless they are severely injured. But just imagine ALL of the activities you enjoyed doing hurt you so you don't do them anymore. Even things that you have to do hurt and cause you grief and can make you in a bad mood. Imagine weaning your young children against their will so you can get relief. Imagine leaving your kids, which are your world, half the day to go to therapy. Imagine having to pay for the childcare, mowing, gas to go to therapy, house cleaning because you are injured. Imagine getting all kinds of MRIs and tests done to tell you what is wrong with you but hardly any relief or answers to fix it besides surgery. Imagine your savings slowly dwindle away to pay for theses things caused from a careless driver.

What got me was how wonderful life was before these things happened to me and my family. I was on meds, which don't like taking but must. Everything I did caused me and my partner pain. We were depressed, fighting about money all the time, which was never an issue before this..
We couldn't afford outings for the kids anymore.

Slowly we healed. It took meds, time and patience.We have some permanent injuries though.
I found out I was pregnant and had to stop taking all meds. Even acetaminophen is has been linked to birth defects. The meds left me with heartburn, something I never experienced EVER, even when I was pregnant with twins.

I researched natural things that could help me heal. Ginger and bromeline (enzyme found in pineapple) are a natural anti-inflammories, borage oil repairs nerve damage and MSM/Glucosomine take toxins out of joints and lubricate them. These things actually help me more than the meds did. If I forgot to take the meds, it felt like I had never taken them  ever. With the natural remedies the effects last because they are actually repairing me. We eat so healthy and I couldn't understand why I felt like an old lady before, well I was injured and taking poison to fix them!

Now I can garden, sew, clean, take care of the kids and all I need to be careful of is how I turn my wrist and shoulder since I still have tears healing in them. I'm hoping to avoid surgery after the baby comes but my surgeon recommended it if I'm still in pain. So I still take it easier than I would like because I need my body to heal. Especially before the newbie comes and puts more strain on my arms and back. Life is on the up again and I'm glad to leave that part behind me. Lets all pray that it never happens again!

The Good and the Terrible

When I first started out my GreenBottoms business, as all small businesses take time to gain steady sales and customers, I tried to go back to work where I worked while I was pregnant, Ruby Tuesdays. It was at a time when everyone was really starting to feel the effects of the economy and tips were awful. I would make $20 or less a shift after tip out and came to the conclusion I could probably make more at home making diapers. So I only worked for two months from about September 2009 to November 2009. I got a big order in from Malaysia and my business slowly grew. I changed the elastic to being sewn around (cased) to sewing the elastic in the seam allowance so the minky would roll outwards. This helps prevent wicking onto the outer fabric and keeps the baby completely pampered in soft minky, even around their chunky thighs.

Life was good, I could work when I wanted. In the spring the boys were over a year old and we started having many family outings. We went to springs, beaches and life was grand since taking care of the boys had become much less challenging and much more fun. Then things changed oh so suddenly....

We went with our friends Ryan and Abby to Sarasota beach on May 16th 2010. It was a nice day, we had a tent and lots of snacks. The boys loved their boat floaties and we stayed til the evening. It was around 7:30pm when we left the beach. We made our way through the front of the parking lot looking at the beach before we left. Josh made a left turn onto a straight away for the exit. I was looking at him while he was turning and notices a car that was heading parrllel to ours in the parking lot going very fast, too fast to be in the front of the parking lot where kids could run from the beach to their car. While we were making our turn she was still coming very fast and I hoped that she was going to stop for her stop sign before crossing the road that we were turning onto. Right when she should have been stopping she wasn't, I yelled to Josh to stop, he looked and didn't see her car because we were still in the middle of the turn and there were cars blocking his view. As he turned back towards me he said "what?" and before that word escaped his lips her car was smashing into ours. Since I was never in an accident and we were in a parking lot I was off guard and didn't brace myself for the sudden hard impact. Her PT cruiser smashed into our front left side of our Nissan Maxima and pushed our car out of the straight away road and 3-4 parking spaces over. There was smoke and my ears were ringing. After a couple of seconds I realized the airbag bursted was burning me and jumped out of the car. I heard Jaxon screaming crying and he was closest to the other car and couldn't get to him on his side so I opened Jonah's door on the right and jumped across Jonah's seat to unbuckle Jaxon. My heart was racing and all I could think of is if Jaxon was alright. I unbuckled Jonah with Jaxon still in my arms and grabbed both of them out as quickly as I could because the cars were smoking a lot. I looked at the driver of the other vehicle and she was still in her car breathing hard with her friend in the car still so I assumed she was having a panic attack. Both Josh and me got the kids away from the smoking cars and there were a lot of people in the parking lot asking us if we were okay. I said I hope so...I was so worried about the boys being okay than myself. I don't know when Josh got out of the vehicle but his door was trapped in on the left side of the car so I'm sure he climbed out of my side of the car and grabbed Jonah from me. I calmed Jaxon and Abby and Ryan came to us to ask us if we were okay and they took pictures of the damage.  The girls got out of their car, the passenger said she had a paper to finish and an exam to study for and she had no time to waste there so she called someone to pick her up. The driver tried to argue with her that she had the same to do and they both agreed they should not had been at the beach instead of studying and writing for the end of their classes. The passenger left before the cop came and the driver had her parents coming. I had to get away from their because there were noxious fumes coming from the smoking cars. I took the boys down the parking aisle to the end of the parking lot where there was a small field of grass. I put the boys down and watched them closely for any injuries. Jaxon did not want to be put down at all. So I sat down with him because I wasn't feeling so great.

My head was pounding, I felt weak from my surge of adrenaline, I had no will to stand. Abby and Ryan came to me and we were talking about how dumb it was to be speeding in the front of a parking lot where she could have killed a child. Good thing it wasn't a child but it was Josh's limited edition 6 speed Maxima that Josh just rebuilt the transmission single handedly just a couple of weeks before.  The cop that came was not a police it was some security guard for the parking lot. He said he could not write the other driver a ticket for running the stop sign because the parking lot was private and the stop sign wasn't registered. What  a load of bull crap. He didn't write a long form of the crash report even though you know he had nothing better to do for the rest of the evening, he just sat in his truck while we waited for the tow trucks to come. The driver's parents were at the cars and so I walked back over, they said they are really sorry and the girl said sorry too. I was speechless, I had so many things I wanted to say like what if it was a kid instead of our car? Why were you at the beach when you had important things to do? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOUR BRAIN?! Ughh but I didn't because those weren't very nice and I would probably explode on her if I started in. The radiator was busted on his car, the chassis was bent, the car was totalled. We were 2 hours away from home so we called a friend's tow truck from where we lived earlier but it would be a while until they were there. It was getting dark and the boys were hungry. We put their car seats in the back of our friend Abby's Volkswagen Beetle and the boys' seats could not fit rear facing so the boys were to be front facing for the first time ever. It was a small car and I had just been in an accident so I was terrified and anxious the entire way home. Ryan stayed with Josh to wait on the tow and Abby, me and the boys left to get food and go home. Abby is a careful driver thankfully and the boys fell asleep on the ride. We got home and my nerves were still terribly rattled though.

The next day was awful. My head felt like it was going to split in half, my neck felt half broken. Taking care of the boys wasn't that hard because they didn't want to do anything but sit on the couch too. Which is totally not like 14 month olds, they usually were only still right after waking up and right before bedtime. I was still breastfeeding so we waited until the boys were in bed and went to the hospital because we had no health insurance and no general doctor for us. We forgot the car insurance information in the car, which was towed to Josh's dad's house, so a doctor saw us and said we had to pay $250 each for any tests or treatment to be done. We don't have that kind of money laying around so we left with no explanation of what was wrong with us.
The next day Josh's dad advised us to call a lawyer since we felt so awful. The next week we saw the lawyer. He said we should go to a injury doctor and so we did. We did therapy for months, it helped for the day or two if we were lucky but we were still injured. Leaving the boys two times a week for most of the day was depressing, the drive aggravated our injuries, I couldn't take anything since I was still breastfeeding. The injury doctor was about to end our therapy and we were not even slightly better, we were WORSE than in the beginning! So we switched injury doctors...
We had to start therapy all over again but this doctor was extremely thorough and focused on personalized therapy treatments. I had new MRIs done and they found many slipped disks. One that might be unstable in my neck. My right arm was in so much pain, it was hard to take care of my kids, cook, garden, EVERYTHING. I had no desire to sew because cutting the fabric hurt so very much. An MRI was done of my wrist and two tears were found and a ganglion cyst which is a build up of toxins from injury. My business was basically done for. I was getting severely depressed, everything I did caused my pain. Josh was depressed, his rare car was gone and we were having trouble working and making money so the money that was for a new car was spent on bills. One night we had the boys spend the night at Josh's parents and I tried the medicine Josh was prescribed, the anti-inflammatories made me feel a little better and having the relief from the vicodin made it a very relaxing night at home. After 6 months of therapy I decided to stop breastfeeding to try to see if the meds would 'fix' me. I was not one to take pharmaceuticals though, I usually don't even take anything for a headache but it was time to end the suffering. I stopped breastfeeding my boys when I planned on breastfeeding until 2 years old or whenever they decided to stop. We tried all kinds of ways to put them to sleep since that was the only time they nursed still. They screamed for me if we were at home. It was hard, instead of cuddling with my boys to sleep, we packed them up in the car with a sippy of cow's milk and Josh drove them around until they fell asleep. We did that for two weeks until we tried again at home. Josh cuddled with them to sleep, they screamed for me and I had to leave for them to not want me and my boobs there for bed. The next night I tried to stay again, didn't work, I ran out of my house, forgot my phone and went to walmart. Read Stranger Danger to find out what happened that fun night...
After weaning the boys I was left with lonely nights. But at least the meds seemed to be helping...I tried to restart my business. I came out with one size testers in September of 2010. They were a hit! I came up with the idea to make the front minky since with the snap down rise the inner minky rolling out on the legs probably wouldn't prevent wicking onto the cotton print. Plus thats super soft minky rubbing between your legs, what baby wouldn't LOVE that?! Everyone loved them but I soon realized I wasn't fully healed and shouldn't push my injuries. But we NEEDED to make money, and I had to help because bills don't stop coming. I was in Joanns Fabrics getting fun things for the boys to do and I always talk to the workers there. The one I talked to the most happened to be a manager and asked me if I needed a job. With my boys trying to destroy their store none the less! I agreed and started working there in two weeks after the general manager came back from vacation and did inventory. I loved working there, I could talk to other crafters about their projects, brainstorm with them, drool over the super cute fall and Christmas stuff and run down the minky aisle nekid (just kidding about the last part but lots of fondling was done to the fabric. It began getting harder the more I worked though, my injuries would bother me more than ever. My hip would hurt from standing for long periods of time, I tried to avoid the cutting counter but it was part of my job and hurt my wrist terribly, closing sucked because of tucking fabric for a hour would kill my arm and wrist. It was definitely taking its toll and I wasn't sure how much longer I could hang in and my vicodin intake was increasing to make up for it all.
It was December 20th, it was a chill day of just spending it with the family at home and I decided I had to run to walmart to get the boys some milk after dinner. It was dark and I took the back road to the highway. I had just came up over a hill and saw a car coming in the opposite direction start to drift onto my side of the road. I slowed down quite a bit hoping he would correct his car. Nope, fully in my lane I hit my brakes and pulled over as far as I could, there was a telephone poll to the right of me and a green utility box in front of me but my GMC Jimmy was a foot away from the road when this car impacted my driver's door at about a 45 degree angle and gauged all the way down my SUV. When he hit the rear tire he bent it into my rear bumper and bounced to the other side of the road.
At first I was in shock that I just got into another accident that was entirely not my fault. I hated my car but we could not afford to buy another and I was dreading getting out to see the damage because it wouldn't take much to total out my car's value. I got out, people in the development next to me were asking me if I was okay. I went over to the driver who hit me's car and he was still there with his car running, I asked him if he was okay through his rolled up window. He didn't respond, he had his phone to his ear. Then he tried to drive away but his car was really messed up and did not move, only reved up. I asked him if he was okay again and only got a rev in response. There was a van that pulled up behind him and a nice lady asked me if I was okay. I said I think so, she said good, I'm calling the police. I walked to the car again and tapped on the window and asked him if he was okay, he started to open the door so I backed up and he stumbled out of the car, I was scared and stepped far back from him. He still pretended to be on the phone..the lady asked me to come over to her car and said she thought he was drunk, I agreed. It was freezing and I had forgotten my jacket in my hurry to leave to get milk before bedtime. She gave me a blanket to use and let me wait in her van. The fire truck and ambulance was first to come, they asked me if I was okay, I said I hope so. My right wrist was already in a brace from my previous accident. I just wanted to get home before bedtime, I really just wanted to crawl under a rock though. My friends, Abby and Ryan once again, were coming over to hang out and they had passed by the side road while driving on the highway and saw the commotion, when they got to my house and Josh told them and Abby came to the scene immediately. Police came and the guy had fallen on the ground twice already, once in front of them. They took my report and I waited in Abby's car. My dad and his girlfriend came, they lived less than 2 minutes away from there. They called a tow friend for me. The police told me the driver said that he was on post traumatic meds and also had a bottle of Kahlua in his front seat. After I got the crash report I realized he lived in my neighborhood...
I went to my injury doctor 3 days later. Had to start my therapy from the beginning again. Lovely Christmas present, my neck and shoulder hurt so bad.
So Ive been going to therapy for over a year now. I'm finally not depressed anymore, I started gardening again despite it hurting so much. The sunshine healed my soul. I'm still terrified in parking lots. I won't let anyone else drive me or my kids because I get so anxious of their reactions to other dumb drivers. I feel like they give licenses to anyone these days and I'm still avoiding crashes.

Stranger Danger

So it was 2 weeks after I was weaning the boys...Josh would cuddled with them to sleep, they scream for me and I had to leave for them to not want me and my boobs there for bed. The next night I tried to stay again, didn't work, I ran out of my house, forgot my phone and went to walmart.
I was walking around walmart and started at the non food things first since I was trying to take my time. I was looking at the little boy's shoes and must have looked kinda depressed. I caught the eye of a man who said "why do you look so sad", I lied told him it was because they didn't have any shoes that I liked. Even though he was wearing regular clothes I thought he was an associate because Ive know another worker there that I often talk to that wears regular clothes. This strange man followed me around trying to keep a conversation with me. I asked if he worked there and he said no, he was looking for a girlfriend...ruh roh, I told him I was engaged with kids and he still continued to follow me. I dodged down side aisles and I couldn't shake him. I finally decided to go grocery shopping and get out of there. By the time I was mid way done with the groceries he wasn't really making real words. I asked him if he was on something he said something about man bots asking him the same thing at a local bar I knew the name of. I started looking for my phone, nope no phone, crap. I got to the end of my journey where the produce was and kept looking a the registers and kinda stalling. I asked him if he had other things to do and tried asking him to leave me alone. He said nope he was going to help me to my car! So I went to the registers and a supervisor lady saw me and mouthed 'Do you know him?' I shook my head no with terrified eyes. She opened a register for me and when it came time to pay he tried to pay for me with a food stamp card! I said no I can pay. He insisted, I said no again and the lady asked me if he knew me. He said yes, I said I just met you now. He tried to pay again, I declined and she told him that I did not want him to pay for me and that he needed to leave me alone. He said no she doesn't want me to leave her alone, I'm her friend. The lady said, no you just met her and you need to leave because she doesn't want your help and you won't stop. She had called a male worker to come and assist him out of walmart. We waited and the man escorted him outside and I told her I forgot my phone and need someone to walk me out she said don't worry someone is coming to help you out too. That man has been harassing female customers for 3 days now late at night. I walked out and the stranger was on a really nice scooter parked where the bike rake was near the entrance. The associate helped me with my groceries, I asked him what if the guy follows me, he said don't go home come back here and honk. So I peeled out of there and raced home. Luckily the stranger danger did not follow me!

Where I began in the cloth diaper world

I gave birth Jonah and Jaxon in December of 2008, Josh is their father and my fiance. I knew living naturally efficiently was how I wanted to live as a new family. Since I breastfed them exclusively I had little time for anything aside from showering and eating and very little cleaning until they were about 3 months old and sleeping less sporadically.

I joined and was joining natural mommy groups. I stumbled across Cuties with Cloth Booties and became hooked at the gorgeous prints that were on the cloth diapers that the other mother's made. I immediately joined Sewing Diaper Divas and began my research on making cloth diapers. I took a month of researching fabrics before I bought any, I got some flannel and fleece to practice on since they are cheap fabrics I could buy locally. My first came out pretty good, it did not look like a first time diaper according to my peers in Sewing Diaper Divas. I attribute that to my artistic skills. The only real sewing I did a side from my grandmother showing me how to when I was in middle school, was in sculpture class I made a really cool boxing cape with hood and tassels out of the art museum vinyl banner, the project was to make a outfit for a fashion show out of recycled items
I then bought some PUL and OBV from some co-ops. After I got the OBV which came first I made about a dozen turned and top stitched pocket fitteds from the Rita's Rump Pattern. I attached the leg elastic with a blind zig zag stitch to make them ruffly because I thought that looked cute. I also made some fleece shorties and longies to make them 'waterproof' when we were out and about (which was still rare at this point in time) when they were 5 months old I was finished with this small stash. I loved cloth, the boys could just be in the diapers at home and they were sooo cute! They never had anymore poo blow outs up their backs which were a constant with disposables. They never had any rashes and their skin looked so healthy on their bums, I was sold on cloth :)

Around the time of them being 7 months old they started getting a rash around their thighs though and I could not figure out why for the life of me! I tried stripping, tried different detergents, special cloth diaper detergents. Nothing seems to change the ever growing rash around their thighs. Their diapers didn't smell, I changed often. I couldn't figure it out so we stopped using them. Mostly let them air dry around the house and used disposables :/

After asking all over forums what it could possibly be someone said that their little one was sensitive to serged fitteds and the ruffly effect it has around the legs. Ahh HA! It made sense that it didn't bother them before they were crawling and started after the crawling began...So I remade the boys' whole stash. I made them fleece pockets, daddy flats (easy to fold flats with no elastic), and did mostly covers and prefolds while out since they were cheap and easy to make (not the prefolds I bought premium unbleached indian ones).

Once again my boys were fully cloth diapered and their skin was happy as can be. Josh only knew how to do the prefolds and covers, unless the pockets were stuffed. I showed him and now he does it all on his own :) Good daddy!

My friend saw the pictures of my kids in cloth diapers and asked if I could make her cousin a shower gift. Once I got my PUL in (finally!) I made her an assortment; an AIO, AI2, pocket and cover with little wash clothes I folded into flowers all in a cute basket. Then I started my GreenBottoms etsy shop around when the boys were 9 months old. I started out with a one size fits most pocket with aplix on the front and back so you could fold it down and have a smaller diaper. A picture of Jaxon wearing the first OS diapers is on my avatar on my GreenBottoms Facebook page. My boys started pulling off their aplix diapers and the ones I had accumulated lint in the wash despite the laundry tabs, pulling lint out of hook velcro hurts your fingers! I then bought some snap pliers and definitely loved all the colors to coordinate with the fabric. I stopped making the one size diapers and made some sized ones based on all the different patterns Ive seen and took what I liked from them.

  • Slightly rounded but square tabs
  • A 3rd snap to prevent wing droop and keep leg elastic snug around the legs
  • Pockets with front openings so the inserts could come out easy
  • Super soft minky inside that never stains and wicks moisture away from the baby and into the absorbent part.

I became addicted to cute prints and my business was slowly growing by the end of 2009

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

My private life, not so privately

So here I am today 18 1/2 weeks pregnant with baby #3...I find out what we are having this coming Tuesday and I really can't wait. I want to make her a zillion diapers but Ill stick to making some for my etsy shop at the moment. Ive been cleaning and organizing everything and actually keeping my house spotless despite 2 1/2 year old twin boys and my fiance (a big messy boy). I have half of my old projects done with and can't wait to be done with my half done projects to start fresh new ones and actually finish them. Unfortunately this is making my etsy shop over run with mediums! So I am running a sale of 20% off but so far no one has bought any.

Life is not bad right now, I can sew with my sewing room door open without the boys coming in and destroying the room. They are so big now, completely potty learned, no diapers even at night time, they wake up. We have rare accidents but that is expected from 2 year olds but they are far in between (they still need to master taking off underwear, they are use to just pants/shorts). Lately they want "daddy's bed" which I love sleeping with them but am worried about when the baby comes which is still far away so I'm not too worried yet.

Me and two pix of Jonah aka 'Noni'

This is Jaxon aka 'Bone boy or boo boy'  and a rare and most recent picture of them together.

Ive been feeling the baby move and can't wait to get the boys to feel it too, Josh has already. Its becomes much more real when you feel movement of life inside of you. Ive been pretty emotional lately I guess. My feelings get hurt easily and that is not like me. Usually I'm a strong outgoing person and just feel the opposite lately and vulnerable but still strong...does that make sense?! lol I want to stay home in pjs all day but want to do my make-up and go out and have fun in the beautiful Im feeling really wishy washy lately... I don't like it at all!

I thought maybe blogging about my life would help get everything out but I'm actually a really private person. If I let you in will you be kind, encouraging and laugh and cry with me? I hope so...